
Even more Swedes!

Here are some more WW2 Swedes in 28 mm.

First we have a Bofors 37 mm anti-tank gun. Seeing as Bofors is a Swedish company, at least one of their creations was a must-have, and I opted for some anti-tank capabilities. The model is a Polish one from Warlord Games.

Next we have some infantry, this is based on a Polish squad with greatcoats. All non-helmeted heads were replaced with plastic German heads with forage-caps. Some of the kit is wrong for Swedes (the entrenching tool for example), but all in all they're a quite good fit.

 Then we have another squad, based on converted plastics. The fourth guy from the left in the back row has a converted kulsprutepistol m/37-39 SMG.


Return to the Mansions of Madness

Here are some painted cultists, thralls, zombies and some various others for the Mansions of Madness board game. A few more scenarios should now be playable with fully painted miniatures.

Silver Bayonet bestiary

Parallel with painting my French warband I started work on the bestiary, the human and non-human foes you may end up fighting. We'll st...