
Mansions of Madness world tour

The latest expansion to Mansions of Madness (that I own) is called Horrific Journeys, and is set on a train, ship and airship. We haven't played the scenarios yet, but I look forward to them now even more when I've painted all the minis included.

The two leftmost minis here are actually not investigators, but monsters.

This big gribbly is actually, if possible, even more gribbly and weird than the older mutated monsters.



The birch is an iconic tree of Sweden, and I don't say that only because I come from a place with birch in the name. Thus, for my WWII Swedes I wanted some birches to set the scene.

The kit is from 4Ground, and I've pimped the painting on the tree trunks, as well as doing the basing.
The geologist in the family say the rock outcropping looks like gneiss, so we'll go with that. :)

Silver Bayonet bestiary

Parallel with painting my French warband I started work on the bestiary, the human and non-human foes you may end up fighting. We'll st...