This is a picture heavy post, with some new stuff and some that's been sitting unphotographed for a while.
First we have a gang for Stargrave composed entirely of aliens. It's lead by a Rogue captain with a Psionicist first mate (the first two from the left). Beside them we have a codebreaker and a hacker (both salmon pink with bionic eyes), a chiseler and a casecracker (and both of these are some kind of wolf-dog-bears).
The last four members of the crew is a burner (converted with a flamethrower made with some guitar wire), a gunner with something that looks suspiciously like a MG42, and two recruits with pistols. Three of the figures have bodies from Warlord's Winter Germans, the rest are mainly from the official Stargrave plastics.
These market stalls are from Mantic's terrain crate kickstarter, I've tried to make them as different as possible, so from left to right we have one stall which has a mix of everything, then one with fruit, one with veg and one with spices.
These are from terrain crate as well, ruined walls, some tires and a wrecked motorcycle.
Here's a giant worm from Mansions of Madness, five hyenas from the Conan game, and two ancient ghouls (from Grenadier IIRC). These should be good for both Stargrave and Frostgrave.

And finally we have some loot tokens or similar.