
Ghouls to go

 As I'm preparing for the Burning Light mission in Rangers of Shadow Deep, I've had to make a whole host of ghouls. They are based on a ghoul box from Mantic, but with bits from here and there, such as Frostgrave Cultists, late Romans, Ansar warriors, ungors, Stargrave mercs and WGF orcs. See if you can spot them, why don't you?

First we have the standard ghouls: 

 Then we have the so called Ghoul Fiends, the leaders.

Then we have the Ghoul Flingers, who I have given slightly more dangerous javelins, instead of the bones they are supposed to have.

These are the Ghoul Rotters, diseased ghouls. I've given these skeleton arms and heads, and painted purple around the black spikes.

Here is a mix of mostly NPCs. The first archer is someone I built for Mordheim some ten years ago, but never got around to finish the paintjob. We'll see if he'll get used in a game one of these years. The second archer is a cultist. The third lady is a mage I also started ten years ago, for a RPG player character, but only finished just now. The last two are my versions of Nicolan and Seb for Blood Moon.

Here we have two extra characters for my Stargrave scavengers gang, and four gun-toting zombies for whenever I get around to play Stargrave with zombies.

And finally here we have some terrain I hadn't posted before, a Heroquest sarcophagus and three weapon stands, two of them from Heroquest and one scratchbuilt.

Silver Bayonet bestiary

Parallel with painting my French warband I started work on the bestiary, the human and non-human foes you may end up fighting. We'll st...