
Speeder and aliens

 This is a bit of a "compilation" post, which isn't that uncommon for me, in that some of these have been finished for a while.

First we have a speeder I kitbashed from a GI Joe scuba tank and some WWII vehicle bits. I'm really happy with it and think it will fit right at home with my desert planet terrain and gang.

Three more loot tokens for Stargrave:


Some aliens; two random blueskinned troopers (Warzone Bauhaus plastics with orc heads), a very old Jes Godwin sculpt who will feature as Crystophon Marrs in Dead or Alive, and a Nightgaunt from Mansions of Madness, who will feature as Pondo-Pondo in DoA.


Since I want one of my possible gaming tables to be a small market town (in space), I felt that it shouldn't be totally empty of people. Thus, we need civilians. The first four have GBP Arab Spearmen bodies, with the first two working for fantasy as well, and the latter two being more spacey. The fifth model is the one you got with the Terrain Tutor book Kickstarter a couple of years ago. As you see it's a bit tall when compared to 28mm models, but what if it was an alien? Thus, I resculpted the head into some kind of cow-dog.

 Here are some animals for use in Stargrave, Rangers of Shadow Deep and Frostgrave.

And finally some more terrain. Here are six beds for Rangers of Shadow Deep (I really should enter the convent of St Emilia soon!) and a table filled with goods left over from when I built the Mantic market stalls.

Silver Bayonet bestiary

Parallel with painting my French warband I started work on the bestiary, the human and non-human foes you may end up fighting. We'll st...