
More Rangers of Shadow Deep

 I'm still painting up figures for upcoming Rangers of Shadow Deep adventures, and I've started to play the Temple of Madness mission. First we have some mummies from the Conan boardgame. These should fit well as Sandhusks in Across the Wastes. I painted up ten of them, but have ten more if I ever see the need for an army of mummies.

Next we have some guardsmen, also from Conan. One of them has already joined my ranger, and the rest will be NPCs.

I needed one more gnoll archer, and since I use skaven for my gnolls I converted up a skaven slave with a sling. The hand is from GB's Dark Age Warriors set. It should fit in with the rest of my slingers, most of whom are old skaven metals.

I also made some doors and tents for different scenarios. The doors are metal from a Prince August mould, and set in their plaster wall moulds. 

The tents are made from old business cards folded in thirds, with triangular cardboard insets and then covered in old handkerchief cloth.

Here is a wall of fire for the Temple of Madness. It's just made from coloured card, costing 18 SEK, so what's that, £1.50?

We end with a bunch of gaming pictures, from Incinerator and Temple of Madness. I hope to play the final ToM scenario very soon.

Silver Bayonet bestiary

Parallel with painting my French warband I started work on the bestiary, the human and non-human foes you may end up fighting. We'll st...