
The last of the WWII Swedes (for now)

I finished the truck a little while ago, and have now finished the mortar and the MMG as well. The truck is a plastic Warlord Opel Blitz (that's easier to find than a Volvo or Scania in 1:56 ;) ).

For the weapon teams I replaced the Polish bodies with their square cap with two plastic guys, the kneeling ones with binoculars. As before these are mid war German bodies with Japanese heads.

We'll end with a preview of what's coming; WWII Chinese! I've bought a bunch of Copplestone Castings Warlord Chinese, but since these come in packs of ten and should be arranged in units of fourteen I need to fill out the numbers a bit (as well as converting some LMGs later). Here to start with are some levy troops. They are made from dark age plastic bodies, with German arms and mainly Soviet heads.


Codsticker said...

The converted Chinese soldiers are very interesting. Will you model or paint a seam up the front of their smocks or did they wear pull over style sweaters?

mrtn said...

Good question. These will most likely join my levy troops, so I'll probably ignore it. I should do something about it if I do more though.

Silver Bayonet bestiary

Parallel with painting my French warband I started work on the bestiary, the human and non-human foes you may end up fighting. We'll st...