version 1.1
A group of refugees
are fleeing the attacking army down a road. The Attacker is trying to
wipe out the Defender's units, while the Defender is trying to
retreat off the board, while protecting themselves and the refugees.
The Refugees
The refugee group start 36” from the Defenders board edge on a road going from long edge to long edge. At the start of each turn they will move 1D6+6 inches towards the Defenders board edge. When they reach that edge they will be removed from the board.The goal of the Defender is to move off their own board edge before the game is over. However, they will not be allowed to do this until the refugees have moved off the board.
The Geneva Convention
The refugees can not be attacked, and are treated as a friendly unit when it comes to shooting (so you can only shoot 1” away, like normal). If a unit is in the way of the refugees when they move, that unit is pushed away.Setup
The Defender sets up at least half of their units 12-24” from their board edge, the rest in reserve.The Attacker have at least half of their units in a first wave, coming in on the first turn, and the rest in reserve.
Preliminary Bombardment
The Defender is hit with a Preliminary Bombardment on a 2+.Six turns, 4+ for a seventh.
The Defender get 2 victory points for each friendly unit that gets off the board.The Defender get 1 victory point for each Attacker unit killed.
The Attacker get 2 victory points for each Defender unit killed.
The Attacker get 1 victory point for each unit within 12” of the Defender's board edge.
A unit which never gets on the board counts as destroyed.