
Latvian Waffen-SS part 1

In my last post I wrote about Latvia earlier in the second world war. After a while the Germans relented in some of their contempt towards the Latvians, and did allow them to join the SS. In total two divisions of the Waffen-SS was comprised of Latvians, the 15th and 19th. 

While these forces did include individuals implicated in the Holocaust, they did not join as a group, and the Allies made a distinction after the war between the normal Waffen-SS, which were seen as a criminal organisation, and the Baltic Waffen-SS, which were not.

This was the first time I've painted any of the SS camo patterns, and I must say I enjoyed it. I'm sure you can do it better and more exact, both in patterns and colour choices, but these look good from half a meter, so I'm happy. 

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