
Going down to the river

 One of the perks of working at an architect firm is that sometimes they throw out stuff that's really good for wargaming. Last week the interior architects had a big purge, and I saved a whole heap of useful stuff, including floor mats (which we'll probably see later at some point). One of the things I saved was a big set of fake leather, about 50 different colours. Enough of them were blue that I thought, "hey, this could be turned into a river!". So these are fake leather pieces glued to flooring samples (also saved from work). I think the finished pieces work. Next I'll make a ford, a bridge and some other bits.

Added sand to the edges.

First layer of paint.
Finished except for grass and tufts.


Codsticker said...

Very interesting material mrtn. Do you think it would warp if you hadn't glued it to flooring?

mrtn said...

It's cloth with a plastic leathery cover, so it wouldn't warp, it'd just flop. :)
Thinking about it, I guess you could use it for floppy earthen roads, might give that a whirl later.

Silver Bayonet bestiary

Parallel with painting my French warband I started work on the bestiary, the human and non-human foes you may end up fighting. We'll st...