
Dwarves and civilians

Here are some new miniatures. First we have some civilians for Rangers of Shadow Deep. Most of them seem to be miners or some such. They're made from a mix of dark age, WWII and Perry Sudan plastics.

Then we have some dwarves. Two very old Mithril dwarven prisoners, some converted crew for a ballista, a wizard and a crossbowman, both converted. 

 And at last we have the Discworld Librarian. Bought it this summer when we visited Battlefield Berlin.

New terrain

I've been keen to try out Rangers of Shadow Deep, and there's been a few pieces of scatter terrain I miss. 

Here is three rocky outcroppings and a fir tree. The rocks are made from XPS (pink builder's foam), spackle and normal basing materials. 
 The fir is a test piece. The good thing is that it's made from scraps, cut up foam from pick'n'pluck cases and a chopstick. It's been sprayed, painted and then covered with some old green sawdust (what people used before they invented static grass). 
The not so good thing is that you still clearly see how I cut it, so any future ones I'll have to be more careful how I shape it. Here's a WIP. 😁

 I also made a tent. This too is made from XPS, a chopstick and part of an old t-shirt.

Silver Bayonet bestiary

Parallel with painting my French warband I started work on the bestiary, the human and non-human foes you may end up fighting. We'll st...