
Spaceship walls and ne'erdowells

 A while ago I bought half the terrain sprues from the Into the Dark GW box. I didn't know anything about it, and only later realised that I only bought half of them, but oh well, they'll do me fine for Stargrave. They are very detailed, and crammed full of stuff, half of which seems to be out of order. I gave them a quite easy paint scheme, by using the same colour as the primer grey.


I'll try to do something different here, and show the walls while showing some of my new miniatures at the same time. So, here first we have some space beastmen from one of the new GW boxes. We'll see if they end up as baddies or if they join my alien Stargrave crew.

Here's a gang of very kinky ruffians, made from old chaos marauders with FG cultist heads and weapon swaps. Yes, the old marauders could become even kinkier. 😁

Here is an ancient metal model, from a bloodbowl mutant blister. I'll use him as a mutant, of course. I gave him blue hair to accentuate the old-school-ness of it all.

These two use old Bolt Action German bodies and cultist heads. These are ruffians as well, and the grenadier works well when playing Stargrave Dead or Alive.

A nazgul I converted from a GB arab spearman, with a Mantic hood/head, and Frostgrave arms.

My take on a Wall of Force. Rough, but I think it'll work.

Here's a tentacle monster from the Conan boardgame. I've used it as a Darkroot in Rangers of Shadow Deep, and I'll use the head and tentacles in Stargrave for the mega crustacean and agivorous snakes.

Silver Bayonet bestiary

Parallel with painting my French warband I started work on the bestiary, the human and non-human foes you may end up fighting. We'll st...