
New rangers and skeletal ogres

 This is another update for Rangers of Shadow Deep. First we have the good guys:

From left to right we have a new set of clothes for Yost the Archer, a new knight who is about to be recruited (he's a bit on the short side), Pabrim the desert guide, and Gorbin. The ranger archer and the ogre is from Ral Partha Europe, the dwarf is an ancient GW model, and Pabrim is mainly from Gripping Beast plastics.

I like how the eyes and mouth turned out:

And then we have the bad guys:

The Mouth of Sauron will probably be used as a spectral horseman, the nazgul on foot is made from a GB arab with Frostgrave knight arms and a hood made from arab cowl turned upside down. The two undead ogres are from Ral Partha Europe.

And finally I finished the painting of the sandblades I converted last time.

Silver Bayonet bestiary

Parallel with painting my French warband I started work on the bestiary, the human and non-human foes you may end up fighting. We'll st...