For some reason I got into my head that I wanted some fezzed space police for my Stargrave games. These will probably work as unwanted attention, or for some special scenarios. The bodies are Wargames Atlantic cannon fodder, while the heads are from Warlord Games' handschar: Bosniak SS troops. I cut off the offensive eagle. The guy in the red hood is a bounty hunter I made from the SG Scavengers plastics.
Next we have some characters from Star Wars: Imperial Assault. They'll probably end up in Stargrave as well.

Here we have a monster (dark demon?) from Conan, and two old Reaper metals I bought for my chaos warrior army decades ago, but now will end up as Shadow Knights in Rangers of Shadow Deep. They're much more muted than my usual chaos warrior style.

I painted up an old heroquest rack, after replacing the cardboard legs with something of wood. Here are also to experimental haystacks, made from some cardboard tube stopper thingies (we bought a new vacuum machine recently) covered in static grass.