
Mansions of Madness, the first investigators

A few years ago I got the board game Mansions of Madness first edition for my birthday. We tried it once or twice, but didn't really like the Game Master / Overlord concept.
However, after trying the second edition a few times and really liking it, I bought it, and since you can use your first ed models in second ed I finally started painting them up.
So, here are the first edition investigators painted up. It's a pity they are in slightly different scales, but quite decent for board game minis.
I do like the jeans, the old cloth effect comes through quite well. If you wonder about the scale the jeans clad guitarist is 29 mm from foot to eyes.

1 comment:

Sigur said...

Hai thar. :)

Yeah, that worn jeans look works nice. Is Mansions of Madness the game in which you got a baddies player in 1st edition and in 2nd edition he was replaced by an app?

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