
The Armoured Car with a Thousand Names

The AMC Schneider P16 aka AMC Citroën Kegresse Model 1929 aka the Schneider Panhard P16 aka Schneider Kegresse certainly had a lot of names at school!

 The AMC in the name stands for Automitrailleuse de Combat, i e an armoured car. 
Citroën designed the original, Schneider armoured it, and they used a motor from Panhard. Kegresse built the tracks. 

Whatever you call it, this was a French armoured car designed in the interwar years. The French army bought about 100 of them, mainly to be used in a reconnaissance rôle for the cavalry. When World War II rolled around they were old and beat up, and were in the process of being replaced by Somua S35's.
They didn't fare too well in the war, many failing mechanically, either on the way to the battle or in retreat.

The model is a resin model from Warlord Games.


Codsticker said...

Great work mrtn- it's not the kind of vehicle we see often enough.

mrtn said...

Thanks mate (and now let's see if I can post answers here now, wasn't possible before).

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