
The French Char B1 bis tank

This is a French Char B1 bis I bought at the same time as the Schneider P16 and the 222 from Warlord Games. It's a plastic kit, made by Italeri, and I must say that I prefer it to both resin kits. The only thing I'd complain about is the construction of the turret; the slots stick out too far to the side, so it can't actually rotate! If you want to shoot to the left or backwards you actually have to take it out, turn it 180 degrees, and then put it back backwards...
The guns came with pre-drilled barrels, a technique I hope Warlord takes after any year now. ;) 

This was the first time I experimented with putting mud in the tracks (oh, and that's another complaint, the tracks look quite flat in between the wheels and the tracks). It's just made with mixing fine sand and brown paint, easy peasy, and looks quite good I think!

At first I tried to replicate a brown and green camo pattern I saw online, but when that didn't look as impressive as I'd hoped I changed my mind and added the beige as well. Looks much better now. Hope you like it!

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